Garden State ChessGarden State ChessPowered by
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Item id: 636 Vintage, Novelty Political Chess Set, Watergate (click here to email inquiry regarding this item)
Description: Based on Richard Nixon / the White House and the Watergate Affair. On the white side, Richard Nixon as the King, Pat Nixon as Queen, John Erlichmann and Robert Haldman as Bishops, Spiro Agenew and John Mitchell as Knights, the White House as Rooks and Howard Hunt for Pawns. On the black side, Sam Ervin as the King, Martha Mitchell as Queen, General John Dean (w/o glasses) and Attorney General Elliot Richardson as Bishops, Judge Sirica and Archibald Cox (both riding the lady of Justice) as Knights, Watergate Building for Rooks and Daniel Ellsburg for Pawns. Excellent condition in original, a little scruffy box. Sold
Recorded: 2013-09-22
Image: thumbnail
Type: Set
Material: Composite
Origin: USA
Height: 5
Lenght: 1.75
Width: 1.75
For sale: No
Total images: 10
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